Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Be Assertive

Nobody likes a wimpy guy. The kind of guys that always ask if your ok, or whats wrong, or "you can come over if you want" and shit like that. Seriously, be a man. Girls like guys that are confident and assertive. So, just be more confident. And if you are not a confident guy in genera, just fake it till you make it. When you walk up to a girl to start a conversation, be a man about it. Just pretend (or believe) that you are awesome and she wants to talk to you. And if you have been talking to a girl for a while and want to take it to the next level, don't ask. Don't rape her or anything like that, but if you want to kiss her, go in for it. If you want to get more physical, do it. Or, what always works (sometimes) just tell a girl that you are going to take her back to your house and fuck her brains out. If it doesn't work, then move on. And if it does, your welcome. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. So, for serious, be the man in the relationship. Women want a real man, not a fairy that they can beat up.

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